Customize The Command Prompt

To configure the Command Prompt in Windows Server 2003, follow these steps:

 1. Open Command Prompt
 2. Click on the upper left corner of the window and click
    'Properties' then 'Options'
 3. In 'Command History' type 999 in buffer size (this enables
    scrolling through the Command Prompt window)
 4. Type 5 in 'Number Of Buffers' (this increases the number
    of lines in the window to 5000)
 5. In 'Edit Options' select the 'Quick Edit Mode' and 'Insert
    Mode' checkboxes
 6. Click on the 'Layout' tab and type in 2500 for the height
    in the 'Screen Buffer Size'
 7. In the 'Apply Properties' dialog box click 'Save Properties
    For Future Windows With Same Title'.